Tuesday, February 24, 2015



Yesterday I had a dental appointment (no cavities—that NEVER happens, you guys!), and my dentist kindly asked, "So what's changed since I saw you last August?" I smiled and took a deep breath. Besides the fact that I'm no longer toting around an extra 35 pounds, I spared her the nitty-gritty details and kept my response brief. While I realize she was probably just talking about my teeth, I couldn't help but replay the past six months in my mind as she poked around my pearly whites. I hate going to the dentist—I always have—but today's appointment away from Max suddenly felt like a treat. Oh. Em. Gee. A lot REALLY has changed. In fact, I can't even believe I'm typing that, but it's the sort of freedom you forget about when you become a mom. Suddenly a routine dental appointment, which you previously detested, is now a relaxing outing. Who am I? No, seriously?! It was only when I reached into my purse to grab my keys on the way out of the clinic that I remembered "Oh hey, you're a mom now!" I suppose the random set of baby moccasins and toys floating around my tote were colorful reminders that Max was waiting for me at home. Of course I was eager to return to the little guy, but I definitely didn't hesitate to swing by Starbucks on the way home to prolong my special outing sans baby.

I hope your week is off to an incredible start!
P.S. Don't forget about the Hattan Home Giveaway. A lucky winner will be announced this Friday!
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