Oh my! Where do I even begin? This past weekend marked the one-year anniversary of
One Fine Day. I promise I won't get overly sappy, but there's gobs to be grateful for -- especially you! It all started with
this inaugural post. And since that lonely Friday at
Lil' Puna, the header and fonts weren't the only things that changed -- I'm different as well. Just as I'd hoped, this was exactly the creative outlet I so desperately craved. I've created a forum to express myself, and in the process a tight-knit blog community has evolved. It's given me the opportunity to converse and connect with other creative types who've inspired me to dream a little bigger. I'm not sure what's in store for dear ol' bloggie, but I'm forever thankful for your support. You stop by often, occasionally comment, and drop a line via email -- you've been a snazzy and sparkly support system. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!
To show my appreciation, I thought I'd host a little giveaway. Eek, I just knew you'd be excited! What? You say your enthusiasm is through-the-roof. That's amazing, because I feel the same way. I'm squealing with giddy delight -- Sophia Grace and Rosie style. The blogaversary giveaway is just SO GOOD! Haven't a clue what I'm talking about?
Watch this clip and stat. Stat means now!

Now, back to the giveaway... Dorothy Parker once quipped, "I've never been a millionaire, but I just know I'd be darling at it." My sentiments exactly. I wish I was a millionaire, so I could gift each of my readers with something fabulous to say "Thanks." While I'm no Oprah, this is a chance for me to give away some of my favorite things -- just a few items that make the "A-List." Five lucky readers will win a Type-A(shley) gift box filled with all sorts of amazingness like a Baggu bag, pom-pom flower pin, oodles of stationery, nail polish, pens, washi tape, and a cup of coffee (my treat!). These are all little things that make this gal incredibly happy!
You have a few different options... |
Entry 1.
Be (or become) a follower of One Fine Day and leave a comment below. Here are a few ways to follow -- get updates via @onefineA on Twitter, join via Google Friend Connect (look to your right), and Bloglovin.
Entry 2.
Spread the word about this giveaway on your blog, Twitter, and/or Facebook, then come back and leave a comment. Don't forget to include a link to the giveaway!!
Entry 3.
What's on your mind? Tell me what sorts of topics you would like to see discussed. What do you want more or less of around here? Share feedback in comment section below.
Complete all three entries, and you'll be entered three times. Yahoo! Each entry counts as one separate entry! All five winners will be announced on Thursday, June 21, 2012. Be sure to check back and see if you're one of the lucky recipients. If you're looking for an in to win, you'll have to sweet talk Random.org. Best of luck! Now go get 'em!
Happy Monday, my dears!
I hope your week is off to a swell start.
*Note: This giveaway is not affiliated with any of the stores or brands listed above.
The contents have been purchased solely by the blogger with the intent to be gifted to the giveaway winners.