Thursday, October 13, 2016


Happy Thursday, m' dears! I should have warned you the content on the blog would be irregular for awhile. After the three-day weekend in Houston, we've been going nonstop. There have been doctor's appointments and preparations for our inbound guests (hello, in-laws!). I've been killing time at the base clinic, buying groceries, and laundering linens in addition to entertaining a TWO YEAR OLD (eek!). These to-dos don't allow for much free time to blog, but I promise to at least get some pictures up from Max's birthday trip and share a few of my favorite places we went, things we did, and delectables we devoured this past weekend.

When considering places to go for Max's birthday, I picked Houston because I reeeeeeeeeally wanted to get pictures with Max at the Sugar and Cloth Color Wall. I'm sure there are plenty of fabulous attractions the city has to offer, but getting snapshots with this bright background was my primary goal. Blogging nerd alert! Unfortunately, I didn't realize they're currently doing construction on the building and there's a big fence barricade blocking the building from the sidewalk. You can only imagine the look on my face when I got the family primped for pictures and we pulled up to find machinery and dust everywhere. Oops! Thankfully, there was a photographer on-site that snuck in to take photos for his client. I hopped out of the car to get the low-down from him and then convinced Flyboy to enter with me. We made our stop quick and snapped a few images. This colorful conformist felt like a real rebel, so we celebrated with donuts and carried on with a day jam packed at museums. More on that later...

Taking photos with a toddler is tough because they're so mobile, but I think we ended up with some keepers!

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