Wednesday, July 17, 2019


  1. Sophie Treppendahl // If I won the lottery tomorrow, I'd immediately commission a piece by Treppendahl. It would include my trusty Breton-striped shirt for obvious reasons. This series by Sophie is my personal fave!
  2. Sami Cronk // Thanks to the Quirk Gallery in Richmond, I was introduced to Cronk's feed. You could say she had me at HELLO when she featured artwork that included Trader Joe's Peonies in a plastic cup from McDonald's. How could something this simple turn into a piece of art so cheeky and striking?! Gimme more of that.
  3. Sarah Boyts Yoder // Seeing Sarah's work in person is definitely on my bucket list (she's from VA, so it's bound to happen!). Her abstract collage style has evolved since I began following her a few years ago, in addition to the techniques she uses to create her mixed media paintings. I love when she shares a glimpse of the process.
  4. Ali Nelson // A champion of mental health and cheerleader of introspection, Ali shares lessons learned and then makes them into a beautiful background so you can save it to your phone for whenever you might need it.
  5. Jordan Sondler // Take a gander at Jordan's feed and it feels like someone got inside my head and started doodling all my thoughts and emotions. It's equal parts gratifying and creepy (but in the most adorable way!).
  6. Laurie Fisher // The sight of Fisher's artwork grouped together in her studio can take any "meh" day to marvelous in an instant. Trust me, I speak from experience. You might find yourself scrolling through a sea of curated predictability and then BAM!! Her paintings on their own will take your breath away, but there's something about seeing several of them displayed in a grouping that is truly magical. It fills my heart with joy.
  7. Lucy Litman // Her #pantoneposts and #actuallytrashyoutfit pictures are great and all, but it's the paintbrush series that really stands out the most in Litman's coloriffic feed. The messages are honest and encouraging.
  8. Christina Zimpel // It's not the first time I've mentioned this Brooklyn-based artist on m' blog and it probably won't be the last either. Described as shy and behind the scenes, art certainly serves as her alter ego. Wouldn't you agree? Just look at the broad brushstrokes and bold splashes of intense color. Eek, and her use of pink!!
  9. Melanie Johnsson // I swear she's part illustrator and part personal therapist, but I doubt she's aware of that last title. Ha! Her color palette series and inspirational quotes are just a few of the reasons I began following her. I wonder if she knows that her lettering is also an effective life coach for yours truly??
  10. Misterver // Waikiki's "mystery observer" documents beach fashion and local life with a quirky composition. His knack for detail rivals Andy Spade, which in my opinion is the ultimate compliment. Accounts like this have encouraged me to look through life's lens differently. When you pay attention, there's beauty in everything.

Have you stumbled upon any new inspiring artists lately? Do tell.

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