Thursday, July 11, 2019



Happy Thursday, m' dears! Let's get straight to the Delaware deetz. A lot has transpired since we last touched base:
  • Flyboy left for a week-long trip (that eventually turned into two weeks), and it included several pitstops in Hawaii. Sitting next to Jon Lovitz on Waikiki Beach and sporting a tacky aloha shirt with his coworkers were just a few highlights from his stay. Lucky for us, he came home with Maui Onion Chips, trinkets from Olive and Oliver, along with a mean case of jet lag that gave us all a great excuse to take long naps. After being home for a whopping three days, would you believe he's gone again? Yeah, I know.
  • As some of you might remember, we planned on having my other set of in-laws visit us for the 4th of July; however, they ended up getting pesky chest colds and had to postpone their trip. It ended up being for the best, as FB wouldn't have made it back home in time to join us anyway. 
  • Despite plans changing and frequent good-byes, I'm left feeling more grateful than ever that FB got to return from his deployment like he did at the beginning of May. This fall is going to be a busy one for us, and I'm not sure how we would have fit in all the visits and whatnot had he returned in early August as originally planned. Things always work out and sometimes for the better. Who knew, right?!
  • When life starts to get a little unpredictable, I can always rely on Max's imagination and curiosity as my constant. In the past two weeks, we've added tin foil solar panels to his wooden barn, created a LEGO Chinook, dabbled with upcycling by creating our very own robot out of recyclables, and plotted all the ways in which we could get to Papua New Guinea, to learn more about the Swallowtail Butterfly—his latest obsession, thanks to a book we checked out at the library.
  • Remember when we got two truckloads of dirt delivered last October with the hopes of adding a berm to our backyard? Y'all, it's filling in quite nicely and brings me more joy than I anticipated!! Call me crazy, but I look forward to checking it out every morning because I swear something new happens every night. Right now it's the Zinnias (from my aunt's seeds!!) that are really stealing the show. I adore the bright colors and Max loves the fact that they attract ALLLLL the butterflies and honey bees.
  • I wasn't sure if I was going to post this week or not because I wanted to soak up all the quality time with FB. But then we learned he'd be leaving again for a quick trip, so I cooked up one swelluva Love List in a snap, and I couldn't possibly wait another week before hitting publish on this one. Get excited! 

Well, that's all I've got for now. How the heck are you? I'm dying to know.
We've got our fingers crossed Flyboy comes home this weekend so we can hit the beach. Huzzah!

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