Monday, December 2, 2013


Here's a glimpse of what's been going on lately...
Unfortunately, we haven't had any snow, but there was about 10 days of cold and rainy weather. Yay for sweaters and scarves!
Flyboy's first experience at Maggiano's. We left with enough Italian food for days!
A piece of "happy" from a sweet friend.
Beesly celebrated her fifth birthday by eating ice cream and skipping around the neighborhood. Life is good for this Berner.
The aftermath of styling photos can be messy. Whenever I get into creative mode, I'm far from organized. It's the one time I'll allow it!
Proof that we visited the oldest dancehall in Texas. It was just as charming as I hoped it would be!
Less than two weeks until Blog Shop. I'm equal parts nervous and excited. I think I'll bring a stack of these bad boys!
Instagram photos printed via Prinstagram to include in our Christmas cards.
A sure-fire way to add a little snazz to any day.
The colder temps meant I finally got to see Flyboy in his leather jacket. Looking good, Captain Handsome!
The secret to a successful and cozy holiday season? J.Crew's Style Guide and a cup of Peppermint Tea.
Sending happy mail to family and friends.
Happy Monday, m' dears! I'm going to keep today's post short and sweet. The holiday season is upon us (Yippee!) and the ol' list is getting longer. But before I start tackling those to-dos, we should catch up. How was your weekend? Flyboy and I had a fantabulous Thanksgiving. We relaxed A LOT, stuffed ourselves silly, and watched an embarrassing amount of Breaking Bad. I won't even tell you how many episodes we breezed through, but can you say addicted?! We were late to the game on this series, but we're making up for lost ground. I can't wait to complete all five seasons so I can stop thinking about the show already. Before I rattle on anymore about Jesse, Walter, and this sick and twisted plot,  I should assure you that I haven't gone off the deep end! The only thing you'll find me cooking up is another batch of snazzy Gift Guides, which will be featured the rest of this week. Can I get a Woo-Hoo?! Oh, and GO TIGERS!
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