Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Happy Wednesday, m' dears! I hope your 2016 is off to a bright start. While I warmly welcome the new year, the greedy side of me wishes I could relive these past three weeks all over again. We had such a wonderful time with family. As cliche as it might sound, it was everything I hoped it would be and MORE! In an effort to ease back into blogging and our Swell Rio routine (What's nap time??), I thought I'd share some highlights from our trip in two different posts. I suppose it's my way of reminiscing about the time spent together and a reminder of how grateful I am to be surrounded by so much love.

  • My mom and dad surprised me with tickets to see the musical Matilda at The Kennedy Center. Squee!!! The Roald Dahl loving tween in me was over the moon. Just as I expected, Trunchbull stole the show with an epic performance. Now I wonder how long it will be before I stop humming, "My mummy says I'm a miracle..."??
  • Speaking of Matilda and The Kennedy Center, my mom and I attempted to take a selfie to document the experience and we failed miserably. Two selfie novices with little experience working angles, along with my nervous blinking, result in comical outtakes. Our failed attempts to take one good photo are more smile-inducing than any picture could ever be. 
  • Whenever I visit my parents, I'm eager to visit an art museum or two and STAT. Being in the presence of Ellsworth Kelly, Franz Kline, Helen Frankenthaler, and Elaine de Kooning is ALWAYS a good thing. Surrounded by such color and beauty brings me a sense of creative renewal. Sigh. Is anyone else swooning over the abstracts like I am?! Be still my heart.
  • The photos in today's post were primarily taken before my sister, her boyfriend, and Flyboy arrived (with a few random colorful details sprinkled in the mix, because aesthetics...). In anticipation of their homecoming, we spent time shopping, getting manicures, wrapping gifts, and visiting my parents at work. The opportunity to see my mom in her element with the kids at school made me tremendously proud to call her MY mother, and just the thought of watching my dad show Max around his office is enough to make me grin from ear to ear. Moments like these are far greater than any gift.
  • Stay tuned for tomorrow's post, which will include Max unfiltered and my dad dressed as The King. Yep! Get up for it.

Alright, enough about me. How the heck are YOU? Tell me something great about your holiday.

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