Tuesday, May 17, 2016



Happy Tuesday, m' dears! Let's get on with this week's batch of delightfully mundane details...
  • It's taken me 19 months to figure out that when your child gets sick, it's only a matter of time before someone else in the house catches the crud as well. Despite my best efforts to combat it, I was the lucky winner this time. In the event my writing on the blog seems a bit fuzzy this week, you can just chalk it up to excessive cold medicine.
  • On Saturday Flyboy and Max ran another 5K on base. It's become their "thing" over the past year, and I kind of love that they have these exclusive father-son outings. Obviously it's nice to get some time alone to clean the house and whatnot, but seeing them head off with the jogging stroller and come home with lots of stories is pretty stinking adorable.
  • A few hours after the race we decided to head into town for Starbucks and check out a new running/cycling/swimming store for its grand opening. This was going to be the big to-do of the day—our FUN family outing. After the java pit stop we made our way to the shop and in true Swell Rio style we were slightly underwhelmed. Sigh. There were like five pairs of running shoes, a few tops and shorts. Eager to give the place a little business and buy something, I asked if they had any sports water bottles available. They had ONE. Ha ha! Needless to say, we were in and out in less than two minutes, but here's hoping they add more merch soon. Bummed that our Saturday hurrah was cut short, I spotted a closed antique store with a cute letter "A" painted on the wall and asked Flyboy to pull over so I could take a quick picture. Are you starting to get that we really have to get creative and look for ways to amp up the fun around here?!
  • Despite drab weather (the perfect excuse to loaf around) and family outing flop, installing these IKEA wall sconces was quite literally the bright spot to our weekend. Jazzing up base housing is kind of like putting lipstick on a pig, but it's always worth a shot. In our case, this was a cheap and easy upgrade that added some character and lighting to our digs.
  • Spending the day with a toddler can feel reeeeeeeeeeally long sometimes, so it's important to spread out your activities and have various areas to play both indoors and outside. Lately, Max has had a blast putting around in the backyard with his lawnmower and truck. We also hung one of these cool spinner swings to our tree in the back, and I think I might be having the most fun with it. Now if I could just coax the kid into the occasional push and a frosty beverage...
  • The Aloha Edition of Adore Magazine arrived in our mailbox over the weekend and seeing my piece in print was double-barrel grin-inducing. Clearly this is a topic I don't mind discussing, so  choosing pieces for the feature was a blast. If you're interested in snagging a copy of the gorgeous Australian lifestyle glossy, hop on over to Hattan Home.

Alright, enough about me. How the heck are YOU?! Do tell. I'm dying to know.
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