Wednesday, June 22, 2016



Happy Wednesday, m' dears! Let's get on with the details that make me dizzy with delight...

  • Visits to Austin just keep getting better and better! I swear that city has the best energy. It always leaves me craving MORE—mostly food and gin-spiked beverages. Ha ha! This year we were just happy we didn't have to take shifts eating at Perla's amid colicky meltdowns. While Max charmed strangers and noshed on saltine crackers, Flyboy and I guzzled down cocktails and devoured tasty snacks. Dining with my boys at our favorite restaurant sure beats eating a Lobster Roll in the company of a random pigeon, which is precisely what happened the last time we were there. 
  • In between eating, we buzzed around the city making pitstops at various shops. Max thought he was a hot shot at Mellow Johnny's because we let him walk around on his own. BIG mistake. HUGE! After being strapped in a carseat, stroller, and high chair, the taste of freedom got the best of our little guy and we worried his independent spirit might result in us buying a very expensive road bike (or 20). It was in that moment that I found myself uttering the same words my dad used to say to my sister and me whenever we'd be in a store with breakables. "No touchy touchy." I totally get it now, pops! And since this is one of Flyboy's favorite stores, I opted to take Max outside to preempt any sort of disastrous meltdown. Our colorful mother-son exit made a few heads turn but we didn't break anything. Hallelujah!
  • Before heading to Barton Springs Pool on Sunday morning, we had breakfast at Elizabeth Street Cafe. This is one of those places that has been on my Austin bucket list since I went to Blogshop in December 2013. Because there are so many amazing eateries in this city, I kept putting it off, and now I'm totally kicking myself. While Max and Flyboy opted for pastries, I ordered the French Toast and it was to die for. I even told FB that the meal ranked right up there with my beloved Mac Nut Pancakes (Gasp!) and that's when he knew I was NOT messing around.
  • In an effort to wear Max out, we spent a lot of time at Zilker Park swimming at the springs, playing at the playground with other kids, and letting our tot run free in the open fields. Swimming on Father's Day wasn't as big of a hit as we hoped, but there was a lot of hop on pop action while we lounged hillside in the sun. Last summer Max couldn't get enough of the water, but I think our tenacious toddler wants to feel in control these days, which has made him rather skeptical of swimming. Lucky for us, he looks pretty cute when he's screaming and splashing around. Hehe!
  • Despite numerous trips to the Texas capital (with shopping one of our primary goals—duh!), I never made time to squeeze in a visit to Katie Kime. What was I thinking?? I've been a longtime admirer of her work, so getting to see some of her gorgeous pieces in person made me giddy. From the custom armchairs and pillows to the fabulous kaftans and barcarts, I could hardly control my excitement. My heart was racing; I was in a state of polka-dot and tassel bliss.
  • Because no trip to ATX is complete without tacos, we made our last two meals in the city count. Since Zilker Park was such a hit with Max, we grabbed Fresa's for dinner on Sunday night (the best!!) and then grabbed a few breakfast tacos from Whole Foods the next morning on our way out of town. The wily tot was too busy to sit down and eat either meal, but it worked in our favor so we didn't mind one bit. While he ran amok, we dined al fresco in peace.
  • It's back to the grind in Swell Rio and I've found the only way to cure an Austin hangover is MORE Peonies. Excuse me while I go stare at them and pretend there aren't bags that need to be unpacked or laundry that needs to be tended to...

Enough about me. How was YOUR weekend? Go on and spill.
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