Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Etsy: Take Five Tuesday

It's been awhile since we've talked Etsy around here, so I've compiled a list of five vendors I think you'll love. In fact, I'm so confident in this round-up, I bet you end up pushing that little heart icon at least once. It's just THAT good!
  1. Pencil Shavings Studio: The creative director and founder, Rachel Shingleton, is a self-proclaimed color lover. Ugh, be still my heart. To say that I'm smitten with her blog and Etsy shop would be an understatement. I think my adoration has something to do with our mutual love of stripes as well.
  2. Kristina Marie: Two words — confetti and garland! In conjunction with my beloved pom-poms and go-to glitter, these two items add an instant snazzy factor to anything that's dull in life.
  3. 1canoe2 Letterpress: This is one of those shops that makes me feel proud. It's not that I had anything to do with it (I wish!), but the company hails from my favorite college town, Columbia, Missouri. While I was studying at Mizzou, I was excited to see some of their prints featured in local shops. Over the years, the business has boomed and their sweet artwork and notecards have been featured on blogs and sold in shops nationwide (even at Anthropologie!).
  4.  Illustrations by Aimee: I recently stumbled upon this particular watercolor while browsing through the April issue of Matchbook Magazine. Naturally, I stopped what I was doing and hovered my mouse over the image. Much to my delight, I was instantly directed to this amazing illustration. 
  5. Haven Natural Home Goods: I must confess that I'm a sucker for cleaning products with cute packaging. Why wouldn't you use products that brighten boring chores?
Have you stumbled upon any like it, love it, gotta have it, Etsy treasures lately?
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