Howdy, and happy Wednesday m' dears! Let's get on with the highlight reel already...
- Since our days together in Swell Rio are numbered (still waiting on specific dates, but Flyboy will probably head to Oklahoma for training sometime in October), we decided to take the boat to Lake Amistad on Sunday. Getting the vessel started took a little coaxing on FB's part, but he managed to get it up and running after a few failed attempts. Thank goodness it all worked out, because we weren't sure how we were going to break it to Captain Max if we didn't make it past the dock. Ha Ha! As you can tell by the photos (that hat tho...), there are a lot of similarities between our toddler and Bob Wiley at Lake Winnipesaukee. You know what I'm talking about, right? Hey, don't hassle Max, he's local!
- Our lake outing left Flyboy and I wondering how we ended up with a kid so fixated on ALL the mechanical and technical details?? As if the actual boat ride wasn't enough, we found ourselves fielding questions left and right—topics varying from boat engines to turtles and the lack of clouds in the sky. Sure curiosity is an outstanding trait to possess, but he wants to know everything and he will call us out if we give him a bland response. Not to mention, trying to explain how things work in a manner that an almost three-year-old boy can process is tricky in itself. And here the two of us thought that we could just relax in the sun on a Sunday morning and sip an ice-cold beverage in peace. Yeah, right! As long as FB is around, I will continue to encourage Max to "Go ask your dad!" and focus on the appropriate snacks and props.
- Are you tired of hearing about the solar eclipse yet?! Did you do anything cool to celebrate? There wasn't much to see down here—although Beesly kept a watchful eye for us in her snazzy striped bow—but I did learn that Swell Rio will be in the "path of totality" in 2024. Flyboy joked it will be around the time they ask him to return for a third assignment at Laughlin AFB. That's the sort of joke that's funny for five seconds and then panic ensues. Thanks, but no thanks!
- As with any toddler, Max's appetite has been hit or miss lately so I thought I'd do the cool mom thing and get creative with his waffles. I'd yet to check that box and assumed he would be pretty jazzed by my creation. WRONG! After me begging him to eat a quarter of one waffle, I was reminded why it never really pays for me to be a Pinterest mom. His lack of enthusiasm made me question why I put so much thought into finding the right strawberry to double as lips.
- Max's T. rex, Sue, has made many appearances this past week. The toy (aptly named after the world-famous fossil at The Field Museum in Chicago) and the toddler have been inseparable lately. The two of them brush their teeth together (no lie), join me at the HEB for groceries, take leisurely bike rides around base, etc. Who knew this fun figurine I snagged at Walmart 1.5 years ago would be such a hit? I can't say I mind her company either, she's a lot easier to manage than Max.
- Speaking of groceries, I was putting everything away after our trip on Friday morning when I looked over at the kitchen table to find Max pretending to work on his faux laptop (which is actually this board book). He's seen my dad telework from time to time and wanted to show me that he was busy "just like PaPa." I couldn't help but giggle at the sight. I feel like there needs to be a hashtag for teleworking toddlers. Maybe this could become a thing??
- Last but not least, I was interested in trying the latest from NARS after reading many glowing reviews and I will tell you that it totally lives up to the hype. I was prepared to return it, but that won't be happening with this one. This particular cult-favorite color never really worked on me (too much sparkle), but the liquid formula is amazing!!
Alright, enough from me. How's your week?! Anything fun on tap??

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